A PEPYSIAN GARLAND - online book

Black-letter Broadside Ballads Of The years 1595-1639

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professors, used of Protestant Chris­tians, 106 (3)
promoter, a, one whose business it was to denounce offenders against the law, 143 (9)
proper, handsome, 38 (26), 79 (2), 80 (7), passim
prophecies, 17, no
Proverbs: Beggar, a, on horseback rides to the gallows, 241 (9); Brew as one bakes, to, 241 (7); Broken staff, a, to trust, 167 (8); Fool's bolt is soon shot, a, 316; Long runs that never turns, 420; Marry in haste, repent at leisure, 333 (4); Monday is Sunday's fellow, 445 (3); Money makes a man, 362 (9); Need makes the old wife trot, 365; Penny, a, to serve one's need, 447 (14); Strike while the iron is hot, 229; Tailor, a, cuts three sleeves of one gown, 3 2 (6), 412 (7); When a man's down, the world cries down, 411 (3)
prune, to, adorn oneself with dress,
puling, whining, sickly, 344 (3)
punishments. See Amboyna; apes, to lead; beheading; Bridewell; burn­ing alive; cucking; hanging; knight, a, public degradation of; sheet, a, to stand in; stocks, the; whipping; wooden horse
punks and panders, 41 (9)
puppet-plays, 49, 66
purchase, a, advantage gained, 403 (10)
purst, to be, provided with money,
235 (4) put down, to, surpass, excel, 328 (2)
quaff, to,drink deeply, 271(1), 394(1)
quarter, a, place of stay, dwelling-place, 320 (14)
quarter day, day on which quarterly charges fall due, 142 (6)
quarteridge, quarterage, quarterly pay­ment, 13 (7)
queans, jades, harlots, passim
queen, our. See Anne of Denmark or
Henrietta Maria quitted, acquitted, 226 (12) quoine, variant of coin, 373 (9)
Rabbies, a contemptuous term (plural of Rabbi), 172(6)
rack, to, as a punishment, 203 (7); to increase unfairly, 219 (10)
racking rent, i.e. rack-rent, extortion­ate rent, 182 (15)
rag'd, enraged, 258 (8)
Raleigh, Sir Walter, execution of, ballad on, 89
ram, the, eating of, 328
Ramsay, Allan, 132
Ramsay, Ephraim, 206
ranging, i.e. to be unfaithful, 7 (14)
rank, gross, lustful, 196 (3)
rape, Sandys hanged for, 249 ff.
rashing hand, i.e. hasty or forcible, 261 (18)
rat, drowned, like a, 76 (16)
rat-catcher, a Jacobean, 60
rat-knawn hole, i.e. the source of his venereal disease, 65 (19)
ratter, a, 64 (14)
Ravaillac, Francois, 24
ray, array, 152 (5), 153 (10)
ready prest, fully prepared, 419 (13)
rear, to, originate, bring about, 48(11)
rebatoes, stiff collars, 118 (15)
recall, to, recant, deny, 102 (23)
Records, Charles, ballad by (?), 420
red-coated cheese, infected with 'red­coats' or mites, 141 (2)
regard, reputation, 253 (13), 257 (1), etc.
rent, to, rend, 158 (16), 284 (2)
rents, exorbitant, attacked, 37 (24), 182 (15), 219 (10)
require, to, entreat, 50 (4)
Rett, Henry, 387
Revenge, revenge! 86 (7)
revengement, 99 (9)
Rhe, Isle of, 293
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